Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas ...

It's the 25th of December today.
It's Christmas.

I woke up really early today .. and as I've done for the all the Christmases before today .. got ready and found myself in church for Christmas service.

I guess it just won't feel like Christmas if there isnt any carols being sung .. or if I dont find myself in church .. listening to the story of that little baby being born in a manger.

Actually .. I was wondering ... what does Christmas mean to you?

More business?
A chance to shop till you drop?

I guess for me Christmas will always be the time for me to spend time with family .. and a chance to remind myself how lucky I am to have family and people around me that would put up with my nonsense. Hehe.

Anyways .. here's me wishing you ..

Merry Christmas and a Fabulous 2009 !!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Getting Married ..... and Staying Married ..

I attended a close friend's wedding last week.

December seems to be a month for weddings, it seems .. most of my colleagues and friends have been attending weddings for the entire month, mostly on weekends.

As I was sitting there sipping brandy and sharksfin soup .. as well as just looking at the proceedings, I was left wondering ... the bridegroom and his bride seemed so happy and in LOVE .. but .. how long will it last?

I mean, is LOVE the ultimate factor in bringing together two people? And is LOVE gonna be there like 20-30 years down the road? When LOVE is gone, what is there left?

Which ultimately brings me to an article I read last week.

There's this Rabbi ... Rabbi Dov Heller .. who's a 'relationship coach' who insists on these factors before choosing a life partner ...

Choosing a Life Partner - by Rabbi Dov Heller, MA.

When it comes to making the decision about choosing a life partner, no one wants to make a mistake. Yet, with a divorce rate of close to 50 percent, it appears that many are making serious mistakes in their approach to finding Mr/Ms Right!

If you ask most couples who are engaged why they’re getting married, they’ll say : “We’re in love.” It seems that this is the #1 mistake people make .... Choosing a life partner should never be based on love (alone) !!

Though this may sound not politically correct, there’s a profound truth here. Love (alone) is not the basis for getting married. Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come.

Let me say it again : You CAN'T build a lifetime relationship on love alone. You need a lot more.

Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you’re serious about finding and keeping a life partner.

QUESTION #1 : Do you share a common life purpose?

Why is this so important?

Let me put it this way : If you’re married for 20 or 30 years, that’s a long time to live with someone. What do you plan to do with each other all that time?

Travel, eat and jog together? You need to share something deeper and more meaningful. You need a common life purpose.

Two things can happen in a marriage. You can grow together, or you can grow apart. Fifty percent of the people out there are growing apart. To make a marriage work, you need to know what you want out of life bottom line - and marry someone who wants the same thing.

QUESTION #2 : Do I feel safe expressing my feelings and thoughts with this person?

Feeling safe means you can communicate openly with this person. The basis of having good communication is trust i.e. trust that I won’t get “punished” or hurt for expressing my honest thoughts and feelings.

A colleague of mine defines an abusive person as someone with whom you feel afraid to express your thoughts and feelings. Be honest with yourself on this one. Make sure you feel emotionally safe withthe person you plan to marry.

QUESTION #3 : Is he/she a mensch?

A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person. How can you test? Here are some suggestions :

Do they work on personal growth on a regular basis?
Are they serious about improving themselves?

A teacher of mine defines a good person as “someone who is always striving to be good and do the right thing.” So ask about your significant other : What do they do with their time? Is this person materialistic? Usually a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement.

There are essentially two types of people in the world : People who are dedicated to personal growth and people who are dedicated to seeking comfort.

Someone whose goal in life is to be comfortable will put personal comfort ahead of doing the right thing. You need to know that before walking down the aisle.

QUESTION #4 : How does he/she treat other people?

The one most important thing that makes any relationship work is the ability to give. By giving, we mean the ability to give another person pleasure.

Ask : Is this someone who enjoys giving pleasure to others or are they wrapped up themselves and self-absorbed? To measure this, think about the following :

1) How do they treat people whom they do not have to be nice to, such as waiters, bus boy, taxi driver etc?
2) How do they treat parents and siblings?
3) Do they have gratitude and appreciation?
4) Do they show respect?

If they don’t have gratitude for the people who have given them everything, you cannot expect that they’ll have gratitude for you - who can’t do nearly as much for them!

Do they gossip and speak badly about others?
Someone who gossips cannot be someone who loves others.

You can be sure that someone who treats others poorly will eventually treat you poorly as well.

QUESTION #5 : Is there anything I’m hoping to change about this person after we’re married?

Too many people make the mistake of marrying someone with the intention of trying to “improve” them after they’re married. As a colleague of mine puts it, “You can probably expect someone to change after marriage... for the worse!”

If you cannot fully accept this person the way they are now, then you are not ready to marry them.

In conclusion, dating doesn’t have to be difficult and treacherous. The key is to try leading a little more with your head and less with your heart. It pays to be as objective as possible when you are dating, to be sure to ask questions that will help you get to the key issues. Falling in love is a great feeling but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don’t want to find yourself in trouble because you didn’t do your homework.

Hmm ... sounds kinda right .. doncha think?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Are you Happy?

It's the 18th of December ... exactly one week till Christmas ... and exactly two weeks till a brand new year ... 2009.

In the Declaration of Independence .. principally authored by Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States -it states and I quote .. " All men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. "

The pursuit of Happiness.

Why doesn't he just say Happiness? Why the PURSUIT of Happiness?
Is Happiness something that you have to pursue? Something that is forever being evasive?

I dont know.

All I do know is this ... I'm not gonna wallow in my own misery anymore. I'm not gonna be all 'this shouldnt have happened to me' and so on and so forth.

I'm gonna be happy.
I'm gonna look at life differently .. and if I do have to pursue Happiness, so be it.

I'm gonna make 2009 a year to remember.
And of course, I hope all my hopes for a better 2009 doesn't all go to hell by the 2nd week of January.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Bad Karma ?

I was driving around in KL last week along Jalan TAR .. it was almost 1:00pm .. and as usual, Jalan TAR was absolutely jammed packed with pedestrians and traffic ..

One thing I noticed .. despite the sweltering heat and bright hot sun, that didnt seem to deter anyone from walking around .. and then, I noticed this :

It kinda looked like a bus .. except that it had an open top ... and there were people in it !! On a closer look I saw this :

There were like almost a dozen or so people in the open top bus .. what made me notice was that despite the dust and heat .. these people seemed to be chatting and dancing ( yes, you read that right .. DANCING ) around .....

Now, I dont know about you but with that kinda traffic combined with the dust and heat and smog .. I wouldnt be 'prancing' around in an open top bus !! And definitely not in a tube top and skimpy shorts !! Isn't that the fastest way to get sunburned ? I thought that it was some kinda advertorial event .. but I couldnt see any cameras ...

On a totally unrelated event ....

I was having tea with a friend in Subang 2 days back ... and when I walked back to my car I saw this on the passenger's side door ....

Apparently some bastard tried to force his/her way into my car ... but nothing was taken despite the fact that my wallet was left in the glove compartment ..

Later, after a more lengthy discussion with my mechanic .. I found out that this was pretty common - it seems that these guys are not out to take anything from your car .. they just want the LOCK so that they can duplicate the car key .. and they always target the passenger side door or the boot, hoping you won't notice ..

And so with your LOCK and your car registration number, it would be pretty easy to find out where you live .. so that they can come back late at night when you are fast asleep and just drive off with your car !!

The mechanic also told me that he was offered ( he said NO ) almost a thousand dollars for a copy of ANY car key and registration .. to be passed to a syndicate specialising in stealing cars ..

And so I had to change the ENTIRE car's locks .. so as to avoid the chance that if in the event my car IS targetted to be stolen .. it won't happen .. SHIT ... cost me a few hundred ringgit .. wonder why my car .. it's only a bloody WAJA after all ...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Brave New World ..

Well .. I guess I finally did it .. stepped through that window and moved forward ...

When I handed in my resignation letter .. I was pleasantly surprised that my boss wanted me to stay .. even to the extent of offering me additional monies and a new position ..

That kinda made my decision very much more difficult as I had grown to like this place .. it's not often that you can find a place where you fit in so perfectly .. but ultimately it's about forging ahead and facing new challenges .. and so after several days of considering all angles .. I guess it's time for me to move ahead.

Anyways .. I've still got 2 months notice to serve ... and you never know what might transpire in this period of time ..

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

D-Day ..

It's decision day .. at last. I've made the choice to step through the window. But .. I wont step all the way across .. yet.

Let's just see what's on the other side ...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

How to Attend Meetings

I've been working with quite a few companys ever since I got out into the workforce after school ... and I've realised one thing. To really succeed in a business or organization, it is sometimes helpful to know what your job is, and whether it involves any duties.

Ask among your coworkers. “Hi,” you should say. “I’m a new employee. What is the name of my job?” If they answer “long-range planner” or “politician” you are pretty much free to lepak around and go yum char until retirement. Most jobs, however, will require some work.

There are two major kinds of work in modern organizations:

1. Taking phone messages for people who are in meetings, and,
2. Going to meetings.

Your ultimate career strategy will be to get a job involving primarily No.2, going to meetings, as soon as possible, because that’s where the real power is. It is all very well and good to be able to take phone messages, but you are never going to get a position of power, a position where you can cost thousands of people their jobs with a single bodoh decision, unless you learn how to attend meetings.

The first meeting ever was held back in the Caveman Era. In those days, Man’s job was to hunt and kill his food and bring it home for Woman, who had to figure out how to cook it. The problem was, Man was slow and basically naked, whereas the prey had warm fur and could run like a kancil. (In fact it *was* a kancil, only nobody knew this).

At last someone said, “Maybe if we just sat down and did some brainstorming, we could come up with a better way to hunt our prey!” It went extremely well, plus it was much warmer sitting in a circle, so they agreed to meet again the next day, and the next.

But the women pointed out that the men had not produced anything, and the human race was pretty much starving. The men agreed that was serious and said they would put it right near the top of their “agenda”. At this point, the women, who were primitive but not stupid, started eating plants, and thus modern agriculture was born. It never would have happened without meetings.

The modern business meeting, however, might better be compared with a funeral, in the sense that you have a gathering of people who are wearing uncomfortable clothing and would rather be somewhere else. The major difference is that most funerals have a definite purpose. Also, nothing is really ever buried in a meeting.

An idea may look dead, but it will always reappear at another meeting later on. If you have ever seen the movie, “Night of the Living Dead,” you have a rough idea of how modern meetings operate, with projects and proposals that everyone thought were killed rising up constantly from their graves to stagger back into meetings and eat the brains of the living.

And one more thing : if somebody falls asleep in a meeting, have everyone else leave the room. Then collect a group of total strangers, right off the street, and have them sit around the sleeping person until he wakes up. Then have one of them say to him, “Joe, your plan is very, very risky. However, you’ve given us no choice but to try it. I only hope, for your sake, that you know what you’re getting yourself into.” Then they should file quietly out of the room.

* Adapted and shamelessly copied from Dave Barry's How to Attend a Meeting

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Looming Decision

I posted about making a difficult choice last week .. well, it looks like i'm already taking the required steps into going thru that window ..

Decision day is next week ..

I just hope it's the right choice ... cos it still doesnt really feel right .. despite what my head tells me ...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Parking ....

Was having lunch with Jack again today .... and my mechanic , Mr Einstein ... we were chatting about Jack's unfortunate run-in with his car's bonnet and battery acids ... when my mechanic revealed that it wasnt the worse thing to happen ...

Seems that the occupants in a certain part of Subang Jaya are so territorial and protective about their parking spaces .. cars parked at their so-called 'parking places' would be smeared with human excrement to prevent further occurences.

No, you didnt read it wrong .. read it again .. human excrement .. as in SHIT.


Makes you wonder why parking places are so incredibly precious ... that people would actually take the trouble to go to the toilet .. take a dump .. collect the 'dumplings' ... and use it to smear it all over the car and door handles !!!

Imagine what it would smell like if the owner were to discover his car in that condition in the evening after work ... and after it has been in the sun the entire day .....

I dont think I would wanna use the car again .....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Territorial Rights?

I was having dinner the other day with Jack ... when he started telling me about parking problems associated with living in the city .. and specifically with living in condos or apartments.

Now, i'm not a stranger to fighting over parking space as I've lived in condos before .. but what Jack told me was really .. how shall i say it .. well, let's just say it kinda made me mad ..

This is where Jack stays .. a nice comfy apartment in KL .. and as with all apartments and condos, parking space is limited .. so it was either Jack's significant other or Jack who had to park outside ... no guesses as to who parked outside ..

And this is Jack's car ..

Now since Jack had to park outside, obviously he would park somewhere considered safe from break-ins .. hence, my friend chose a brightly lit public car park in front of a chinese restaurant. And he would ALWAYS park there AFTER the restaurant closes for business so as not to block any of the outlet's patrons.

Guess that didnt help cos the next day when he came down to get his car he saw this etched in acid on his car's bonnet ...

Wouldnt it be more simpler to leave a note on the windscreen? I suggested that Jack make a police report against the restaurant .. but knowing our local enforcement .. it would not make any difference.

Let's just say that the next time Im in the area .. im gonna be very very careful about where I park .. and where I eat !!

PS : The car's bonnet and subsequent paintjob cost my friend several hundred ringgit ..

Friday, November 21, 2008

Choices ...

A window has just opened .. and the view looks great ..

Thing is this ... should I or shouldnt I ?
If I were to step thru this window, I dont think I can come back to where I am now ..

And how will this decision affect my future ?
Will I even HAVE a future after stepping thru this window?

I just hope this choice is going to be the right one .....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm back ...

Wow .. what a week it's been.

I've been like traveling all around the state of Perak on my assignments .. and it's been hectic.

Anyways, I'm back in KL .. just.
Hence this post.

On a side note .. somebody commented that my blog is boring.
My reply is .. If you think it's boring ... DON'T READ IT LAH !!

Ok .. now that I've gotten THAT outta my system .. I wanna like say .. comparatively .. does anyone know which state in Malaysia has the worse drivers ? I mean, besides KL of course .. we ALL know that KL has some of the most aggressive drivers ... but what about the other states ?

I'm wondering cos the other day when I was in the Teluk Intan ... I saw a lady driver casually just stop in the middle of the road next to a school ( and when I say middle, I really mean RIGHT in the MIDDLE of the ROAD ) .. get out of her car .. opened up her boot and beckoned her son .. put his schoolbag in .. and ushered him into the back seat before getting back in and driving off !!

There was a LONG line of cars behind her ... and despite the honking, she didnt even give a damn !! She even had the cheek to take her own bloody sweet time !!

I wonder what would happen if she did that in the middle of Chow Kit in rush hour ....

And they say men are the road bullies ....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A child is born to innocence ; a child is drawn towards good
Why then do so many among us .. go so horribly wrong?

What makes some walk the path of darkness .. while others chase the light?
Is it will? Is it destiny?
Can we ever hope to understand the Force that shapes the soul?

To fight evil .. one must know evil .. one must journey back thru time and find that fork in the road .. where heroes turn one way, and villians turn another ..

I only got one thing to say .... HEROES ROCK !!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Year's End ..

It's November .. and just slightly a month or so more till a brand new year. And I already know what my New Year's resolutions are gonna be.

Stop smoking.
Stop consuming alcohol.
Stop losing my temper.

And of course, stop taking my family and friends for granted.

But knowing me ... it'll all be down the drain by the second week of January .. What are YOUR resolutions gonna be like?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Intoxication ...

It's 09:00 pm .. on a Sunday evening and I've been like sleeping most of the day. Now usually I just stay in on Sundays and rest but today was like more bedtime than normal .. guess this was due to yesterday ......

It's was Saturday ... and after a round of brainstorming and tossing back and forth ideas with my colleagues .. it's time to unwind.

And so we did.

A quick bite for dinner and then it's off to this place in the Curve .. methinks the choice of location was a baaaad idea cos the place was absolutely packed ... ever heard of the term 'standing room only' ? I had to squeeze thru like several dozen people before I could get to the washroom to pee !!

Then again, besides ogling at all the very attractive women patrons who seemed to be in a contest to appear as slutty as possible ..... I have never been in a room so packed with people .. so single-mindedly obssesed with a common goal.

To get totally plastered as fast as possible.

All around me were guys and gals basically GULPING down alcohol ( and I do mean alcohol ... not beer ) like it was fruit juice ..

The ladies werent left out either .. it was looking more and more like a contest to see who could get stoned as quickly as possible .... the music didnt help either as it was blasting ... I think I was temporary deaf for like several hours after I stepped out from there ...

The few pics I managed was when things were still relatively normal .. it was pretty much mayhem later and I didnt want to risk losing my 'outdated nokia phone' to the crowd who was then not unlike raving lunatics .. hehe ..

It wasnt long till we had enough of the blasting music and the ravers ... so we left for supper somewhere nearby. I remember the supper ( actually it could be considered breakfast .. it was already like 0300am or so .. ) was pretty good .. but with the copious amounts of alcohol in our bloodstream, I could have been eating wet tissues and it still would have tasted great .. hehe.

Well, all of us got home safely without any incident. See ya next week !!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Musings ..

I had a good day today.

A nice lunch .. with a very good friend.
Chatting about shared experiences and the people we've both met.

People who are, at most times interesting and a delight to talk to,
but more often than not, strange and disturbing.

My lunch-date was telling me about the time she made arrangements to meet this 'net-fren' who insisted on meeting her in the car-park ... in his car .. parked in a secluded area with the car facing a wall ( and this was the first time she was meeting this guy !! ) ..

She told him to find someone else.
I guess you don't have to be a genius to figure out what he was after.

It never fails to amaze me how some guys ( and some gals as well ) would just assume the other party is an absolute moron. But hey, stranger things have happened.

Anyways, before we even knew it, lunchtime was up and we had to go our separate ways. She gave me a lift back to my car before driving off. And I was left smiling at the one of the most pleasant conversations I've had in a long time.

Thanks for the lunch, C. We must do this again sometime. And next time, let's make sure we both dont have prior engagements !!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who Am I ?

Ever wonder if you are .. who you really are?

As someone who is always meeting people in the course of my job, I sometimes wonder which one is the real me .. the exuberant, optimistic guy, or the depressed and confused fool who needs to weigh everything before even making the simplest of decisions.

I also wonder why I sometimes entertain thoughts of mayhem and violence in my head .. is that the real me? Is my subconcious trying to tell me something?

Sometimes I pick up my pellet gun ( the el-cheapo type kids play with ) and target my cat .. or my dog. Why do I do that? Is this some residue left behind in me from the times we were living in caves and hunting dinosaurs for dinner?

Kinda makes you wonder, don't it?

I guess the only time I admit who I really am is when I'm in alone on an outstation assignment and in bed and about to fall asleep .. I feel like I'm missing out on something in this life. Oh, don't get me wrong. I enjoy my job and I love my family but I feel like I'm not doing it all ....

I hate how mundane and boring life has become ; how safe and predictable things are. I've always lived life on the edge .. andrenalin coursing thru my veins in anticipation of what's around the next corner. Now everything is so safe and conservative.

Maybe that's good cos I'm not getting any younger. But it doesnt help that my mind and body is still yearning for something .... I don't know what.

Perhaps it's just a mid-life crisis.
Dammit. I'm old.

Guess I can always depend on my pellet-gun .. if only I can remember where I put it .......

Monday, November 3, 2008

Ever been a fool ?

Baby, I know the story
I've seen the picture
It's written all over your face

Tell me
What's the secret
That you've been hiding
And who's gonna take my place

I should have seen it coming
I should have read the signs
Anyway .. I guess it's over

I can't believe that I'm the fool again
I thought this love would never end
How was I to know
You never told me ..

I can't believe that I'm the fool again
And I who thought you were my friend
How was I to know
You never told me ..

Baby, you should've called me
When you were lonely
When you needed me to be there

Sadly, you never gave me
Too many chances
To show you how much I cared

Oh I should have seen it coming
I should have read the signs
Anyway .. I guess it's over

I can't believe that I'm the fool again
I thought this love would never end
How was I to know
You never told me ..

I can't believe that I'm the fool again
And I who thought you were my friend
How was I to know
You never told me ..

About the pain and the tears ..
If I could I would
Turn back the time

Ooh yeah
I should have seen it coming
I should have read the signs
Anyway .. I guess it's over ....

I can't believe that I'm the fool again
I thought this love would never end
How was I to know
You never told me

I can't believe that I'm the fool again
And I who thought you were my friend
How was I know
You never told me ..........

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Men and Women

I was having lunch the other day with my two of my colleagues ( both female accounts staffs ) when I noticed a very buxom lady walking past our table .. she was headed to her table just a few feet away.

Now, what I noticed wasnt her boobs ( ok-la, so I took a quick glance .. im a guy ok? ) or how she was dressed .. but what interested me was the reaction of those sitting around the other tables.

The guys would be basically ogling at her more than generous assets unabashedly and the women at those tables would be staring with daggers in their eyes.

And it got me thinking to what I read the other day in a blog entry.

I guess the entire male species must have tunnel vision, and in addition to their horny nature, be zooming in or narrowing it down to boobs or butts. Women, on the other hand, would be staring or swearing over bad hairstyles, poor make-up, out-of-proportion body shapes ( re : boobs too big, thighs too big ) or even bad dressing !!

Dont tell me that men and women are created equal.
Because that is absolutely preposterous.

Under pressure, men would drink alcohol and start comtemplating on invading the next country ( or maybe perhaps just pick a fight in a pub ). Women would eat chocolates and go shopping.

Women criticise men for being uncaring, not sensitive, not listening and wanting to have sex than making love. Men criticise women about talking too much, for their sense of direction, for their driving skills and for not initiating sex more.

Men are astounded by how a woman can't see a flashing red light on the dashboard of the car, but can see a used condom in a dark corner some 100 meters away ; Women are confounded by
men who can ALWAYS park the car in the tightest spot using only a rear-view mirror, but can NEVER find the G-spot.

But I digress.

I asked my two female colleagues as to why women react that way when they see another woman dressed that way .... and guess what? They just smiled and said 'Lunchtime's up .. let's go back to the office ' ..

Methinks the only way the two sexes will ever start to understand each other is when we can really start talking to each other .. build on our collective strengths instead of focussing on our weaknesses.

But personally I think this will never happen.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween !!

Tonight is the 31st of October .. or sometimes referred to as 'All Hallows Eve' or just 'Halloween'. But does any really know why 'Jack-o-Lanterns' are always lit during this time? And why do kids dress up as ghouls and beasties .. trying to scare the beejeezus outta everyone?

Apparently 'All Hallows Eve' is considered by the Celts ( the people, not the American basketball team ) as one of the most important days of the year, representing a mid point in the year, Samhain or summer's end. Occuring opposite the great Spring Festival of May Day, or Beltain, this day represented the turning point of the year, the eve of the new year which begins with the onset of the dark phase of the year.

The Celts believed that the normal laws of space and time were held in abeyance during this time, allowing a special window where the spirit world could intermingle with the living. It was a night when the dead could cross the veils and return to the land of the living to celebrate with their family, or clan. As such, the great burial mounds of Ireland were lit up with torches lining the walls, so the spirits of the dead could find their way.

And out of this ancient tradition comes one of the most famous icons of the holiday: the Jack-o-lantern. Originating from Irish folkfore, the Jack-o-lantern was used as a light for the lost soul of Jack, a notorious trickster, stuck between worlds.

Jack is said to have tricked the devil into a truck of a tree and by carving an image of a cross in the tree's trunk, he trapped the devil there. His pranks denied him access to Heaven, and having angered the devil also to Hell, so Jack was a lost soul, trapped between worlds. As a consolation, the devil gave him a sole ember to light his way through the darkness between worlds.

Originally in Ireland turnips were carved out and candles placed inside as lanterns lit to help guide Jack’s lost spirit back home. Hence the term: Jack-o-lanterns. Later, when immigrants came to the new world, pumpkins were more readily available, and so the carved pumpkins carrying a lit candle served the same function.

Back home here I guess Halloween is not celebrated as a major holiday ( I could be wrong, you know .. all the nightspots could be filled .. ) but I wager that our local orang minyak and pontianak would generate a whole lot more interest than a witch on a broomstick ....

Anyways .. it's Friday nite ... and any excuse is good for going clubbing ...
Have a Nice Weekend !!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Flash Me !!

Mornings are usually pretty hectic for me.

Jump outta bed, dash into the shower, throw on a pair of pants and a shirt and it's off to try and beat the traffic. Sometimes I win, sometimes the traffic wins.

Unfortunately this morning the traffic won.
And I arrived sliiightly late.

Now usually on arrival into my office I pretty much do the same thing ... which is to put down all my stuff .. boot up my notebook .. get a cup of coffee .. and visit the toilet to pee.

And this was what I saw this morning eyeballing me as I stood there .. err .. trying to aim ..

Flash the water ?

That's new.
I wouldnt even wanna flash myself .. heheh ..

Good thing it didnt say 'Flash the Toilet' .. or I might have to wear a trenchcoat everytime I need to pee.

PS : Wikipedia's definition of To FLASH or FLASHER here.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Relationships ......

I was at KFC with a couple of friends when the current discussion turned to relationships .. this friend of mine
( for purposes of anonymity let's call him Hare .. well, he looks like a hare when he grins ) was complaining about his girlfriend ..

How she is always nagging him about absolutely everything ... he was also comtemplating on moving out ...

Funny thing about it is that .. 6 months back ... she was married to another dude and basically he was the one who was the so-called home wrecker .. she even has a kid from that marriage ..

Now that she's divorced from THAT dude and is now currently with my friend ( the hare ) .. he's the one complaining about her nagging and her habits .....

Oh, what a complicated web we weave.

But that's nothing compared to this other 'relationship' ... i was told from my other friend at the table that there's this young and extremely good looking guy ( let's call him LV ) who's involved with this other dude ( who happens to be very very rich .. and yea, they're gay .. LV and Rich Dude, not my friend, hehe) ..

Rich dude only visits Kuala Lumpur like once every fortnight to see his 'girlfriend' whilst dropping off a BIG bag of money for LV .. I was told it was in the region of 15-25K ..

And so, LV is always lonely in his big semi-detached bungalow as a 'kept woman' .. usually spending in excess at Pavillion or StarHill to keep busy ..

I wonder ... would you be tempted if you were offered the same 'carrot' ?

I dont know.

But I dont think I would be.
I'd like to keep my butt the way it always has been.


No offense to anyone. Heh.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Deepavali !!

Just like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Deepavali .. you can read more about the Festival of Lights and what it means here.

Have a nice holiday !!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Look ..

I was at Micheal's place the other day when I saw this 'thingy' by the corner ...

And as Mike was busy attending to one of his customers, I didnt wanna look like I was wasting his time asking stupid questions .. so I spent basically almost a half hour trying to figure out what it was ...

To me, it looked like something out of ALIENS .... only thing missing is the slime ... and monster .. and woman screaming .. ( hold on a sec, there might be some of that after seeing the results .. ) Anyways .. later Micheal said it's used for a DIGITAL PERM.

A Digital Perm ?
How do you 'digitise' your hair?

Well, I should have guessed it was for something like that .. Micheal IS a hair stylist after all ...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Home at Last ..

After almost two weeks of running around ..
I'm back .. at last .. in Kuala Lumpur.

Despite the traffic jams .. the smog .. the incessant stream of people .. I guess it's still home to me.

My bed never looked this good.
Of course, that's mainly due to the fact that I havent gotten a good night's sleep during these two weeks ..

Dreamland .. here I come ......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rainy Days ..

It's been awhile since I posted anything.

Not that I dont have anything to write about, that is.
On the contrary, there a lot of things I wanna write about.

Like my job.

My inept social life.

My so-called relationships and how I get along with people ( more precisely, how I always piss people off without even trying ).

But if I were to put everything down here, I know I'd make a lot of people very unhappy. Aand I dont wanna make these people unhappy cos they happen to be in a position to make me MORE unhappy if they were to find out that I'm not happy about the way things are.

Does that make any sense?
I dont know. Guess I'm just rambling.
I also noticed that it always rains whenever I feel blue.
Maybe it's a co-incidence.

I better go to bed.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Nite ...

So I'm finally on an outstation assignment.

And this time it's like almost 2 weeks before I can complete this 'round'. A good thing about being on an outstation assignment is that I have time to myself - allowing me to think and reflect on a lot of stuff.

I've come to realise that LIFE is fragile. And that you should value friends and people that you care about much more than you do now. I received some bad news the other day - a close friend of mine had lost someone she cared about in a car accident - she had just begun a relationship with this guy .. and now he's gone ... forever.

What do you say in such circumstances? Is there actually anything you CAN say that will help? I felt so helpless listening to her cry ..

I guess this incident has shown me that it's never too late to pick up the phone .. and tell someone you care about them. Cause before you know it, that person might no longer be there .......

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What have you learned ?

1. I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

2. I've learned that now matter how much I care, some people are just assholes.

3. I've learned that it takes YEARS to build up trust, and it takes SUSPICION, not proof, to destroy it.

4. I've learned that you can get by on charm for about 15 minutes. After that, you better have a big willy or huge boobs.

5. I've learned that you shouldnt compare yourself to others - they are more screwed up than you think.

6. I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're finished.

7. I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

8. I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is in the first place, ultimately the passion fades ... and there had better be a lot of money to take it's place !!

9. I've learned that 99percent of the time when something isnt working in your house, one of your kids did it.

10. And finally, I've learned that the people that you care most about in life are taken from you too soon, and all the less important ones never seem to go away !!

Note : this was from an email I received ... thks dude .. it was enlightening ...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Mondays ......

Usually that word would fill me with mis-givings .. cos well, it's a WHOLE week until the next weekend ( ok, so I look forward to my weekends .. who doesnt? ) and typically Mondays have never been really kind to me.

But today was different .. I was actually looking forward to Monday .. I guess basically being cooped up in the house for an entire week with an eye infection tends to REALLY suck .... so going back to work tends to look pretty appealing.

Until I got onto the MRR2 .. that is.

I know Mondays traffic jams are bad .. but this was really really bad. Traffic was hardly moving ... until much much further up ahead .... and just when it started to ease ..

I saw this ambulance and a patrol car .. and a petrol tanker parked by the side ( at least I think it was a petrol tanker .. I only remember it was a huge lorry, maybe a trailer ) ... and it was then I saw it ....

What I saw was a body lying in the middle of the road .. covered up in a tarp .. the body was between the ambulance and the patrol car .. what made me sick was the parts of the body was lying all over the road .. as well as what I presume was his innards and brain matter ... there was also a soda cup on the road as well ...

I guess what happened was that the poor guy or gal was crossing the road when the lorry/trailer knocked the guy/gal down .. and rolled over the body, crushing it and spilling his/her innards all over .....

Needless to say, I didnt feel too good after that .... perhaps it's time laws against speeding on roads are more strictly enforced to prevent such things from happening in the future .......

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Random Musings ..

It's Sunday ... and I've decided to just laze around the house.

Typical of every Sunday.

Was just thinking ... just when you finally think you know someone, you wake up and realise that you don't know him/her at all.

Guess my life really IS complicated after all ....

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Instant Noodles .... huh ..

Wow .. my eye is FINALLY better ... woke up this morning and the swelling is gone .. so ... having being cooped up in the house for so many days and today being a Saturday .. started thinking of calling some people ....

Later that Evening ...
And as I've expected .. everyone I've called has already made plans for Saturday night .. and those who havent got any plans .. well, they dont wanna go out ...

So ... faced with the prospect of going out by myself for dinner .. and having to decide what to eat .. I made the most logical choice that ALL guys make ...


And being the kiasu fella that I am .. plain old maggi mee just won't do it ... it's gotta have whatever stuff I can find in my fridge .. there's that sang choy I got from Cameron Highlands .. and a lot of other .. err .. stuff as well ....

Tasted pretty good ... hehe .. or as one of my cranky friend would have said ... sedaaaap ...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Ouch .. again ..

Dammit ...
What is it with me nowadays?

I've just recovered from a bloody eye infection about 2 weeks ago and presto! .. I get ANOTHER infection .. and in the same goddamn eye !! Only this time it's on my upper eyelid as opposed to the lower eye lid before ..

Doc says it's an ingrown hair follicle resulting in the swelling and basically my left eye sealing shut ... Man, does this ever hurt. Guess I'm gonna be stuck at home for at least 3-5 days before this heals .... shit ...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Insanity ...

Sometimes, I wonder .. if I were to invent a game so complicated, that the rules keep changing at every turn .. and yet so simple, so that ANYBODY can participate .. as well as so incredibly addictive, that even if you keep losing you STILL wanna keep playing .....

Would you be interested in such a game?

If I were to tell you that the stakes were high enough that in some stages of this game your life might be at risk .. would you still play? And that in MOST cases nobody wins at this game .. would you still wanna play?

Guess what ... such a game ALREADY exists ... and everyone I know plays this game .. it's called The Game of LOVE.

How many people do you know of that has been struck down by Cupid's arrows .. suffered for it by drowning their sorrows in a bottle .. only to jump RIGHT back into the game the very next minute? And how many of us have been unfortunate enough to have known someone who has taken their lives just because of Love ?

Is it because the pay-off is so wonderful that we would risk our emotional and physical health just for it? Somebody tell me cos I'd sure wanna know .. I've played this game and lost so many times that if you were to look into my heart, it'd be nothing but a mass of battle scars ..

Someone once said that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result .... guess he must have been referring to Love .......

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday Blues

It's Monday again.

Bad enough that it's a Monday and that the weekend seems like ages away .. but to have to go back to work after a looong break makes it even worse ...

Anyways .. came across this site ... wonder what 'balls' they're selling ...

Have a good week !!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Highlands .....

Oooh I'm so tired.

Ever felt like you need a holiday from the holiday you JUST went on? It's a good thing I'm off on both Saturday and Sunday after this trip .. cos I didnt get much sleep at all during these few days.

Me and a group of colleagues and friends decided that Cameron Highlands would be a nice place to visit during this Hari Raya Hols .. so .. four cars headed up to the Highlands ... here's where we stayed .....

We stayed in 2units of 4 bedroom apartments .. and this is how the rooms looked like ..

And this is my room ... err .. I'd just like to clarify that the teddy bear on the bed is NOT mine .. it belongs to Mr Bean ... hehe ...

Later that night we wanted to have a BBQ .. we had already bought all the beers and buffalo wings and all the other stuffs .. however we were told that Strawberry Park DOES NOT allow BBQ on it's premises ... shit .. so with the sun almost down we had to go in search of a suitable venue ( well, i'm not just gonna throw away a few hundred ringgit worth of chicken ) ..

We ended up at the one of the Forest Reserves nearby - the kind ranger gave us permission to have the BBQ at the garden terrace carpark - besides that, we also had to go get our own BBQ grill .. managed to get this .. ( hehe .. look at W's gaze of amazement ) .. and oh, the park didnt have any lights so we parked our cars in a square and turned our headlights on ...

W still can't believe that the el-cheapo ( actually boleh tahan laa ) BBQ grill we bought is working ....

Of course later everyone decided that the grill was working just fine ... and ended up jostling for a space on the grill ...

But the end result .. whether it's edible or not .. heheh .. look at Fanny's face .. maybe she's trying to decide if it's chicken or fish .. or a piece of charcoal .. in this overly 'romantic' light everything looks the same ....

We finished up pretty late that night .. packed up all our rubbish and cleaned up the place before we left ... continued back at our apartments .. all the guys ended up totally plastered what with all the beers we had .....

The next day we did the 'touristy' thing ... visited the cactus farms ... the strawberry farms ..

Wow .. look at that 'sang choy' ..

Rows and rows of cacti ..

More cactus ...

And of course, if you have not had 'steambot' you would not have been to Cameron Highlands ... so ...

Lots and lots of vegetables .. heheh ..

I don't know if the group liked the steambot but I didnt think it was as good as it was hyped out to be .. dunno .. maybe I was still suffering from last night's beer binge ..

Anyways, after dinner it was pretty much an early night except for a short drive out later for teh tarik ... and a late morning breakfast the next day before heading back to Kuala Lumpur.

All in all, not too bad really for a short holiday ... just wish I knew what I ate during the BBQ .....

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lazy Day ....

So it's now a Tuesday .. and a day before the Hari Raya Holidays, basically a stretch of off-days from tomorrow till Sunday.

Everyone in my office has been infected by 'lazingitis' .... a syndrome that make you feel so incredibly lethargic that you just wanna sit around and pretend to work when you are actually waiting for the work hours to end .... hehe ....

Me .. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when a group of us will be heading to Cameron Highlands ( Strawberry Park ) for a short holiday - hopefully the traffic wont be too bad .. we've already gotten the beers and the stuff for a BBQ ...

PS : I hope Strawberry Park has got WIFI ............

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mamma Mia !!!

So it's Saturday once again ... and after catching up with all my overdue reports and paperwork .. someone mentioned going for a movie ..I was like .. Wow, I havent been in a cinema for like .. forever .. and I heard somebody say this was a good movie ..... so .... managed to get tickets for a midnight show for this .. check out the trailer below ....

And what did I think ? ..... OMG, this is the FUNNIEST movie I have ever seen in a looooong time ... Meryl Streep is absolutely AMAZING .... If you havent caught this yet .. GO WATCH IT !!

I've never actually liked musicals ( very cheesy laa ) but I gotta say this is really one of the best movies I've seen in a looong time .. one thing though ... James Bond ( Pierce Brosnan ) cant sing to save his life .. hehehehe ..

Saturday, September 27, 2008

An Open Letter ..

I was surfing the blogs this morning when I came across this .. Susan Loone's website ... and in it was a post in which she wrote about a letter drafted by the Abolish ISA Movement or GMI ( Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA ) to the authorities regarding the current ISA ruling ... read about her post here ....

Seems that this dude named Allan has designed this website with an online protest for all the ISA detainees, including Raja Petra Kamaruddin. The message in this OPEN LETTER is loud and clear - all you have to do is to put your name in the box provided, select whomever you wanna send it to and just click SEND.

The program also calculates how many letters are sent so that monitoring can be done to see how progress is. If you feel strongly about the current ISA ruling and want to play a part in this .. then please go to the website and add your name in ... after all, you dont wanna see anyone you know end up inside locked away indefinitely without trial .....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Year's End ...

It's coming to that time of the year ... what with Hari Raya around the corner .. and the festival of lights right after that (or Deepavali ) .. and then there's Christmas .. and the New Year .. and Chinese New Year after that ... and what do these all have in common ? ........ Lots and lots of lip smacking food and alcohol !!!

Which brings me to this ... how am I gonna enjoy myself without putting on the pounds?

I've had almost everyone tell me that I've got a BIG belly .. and that I'm overweight .. but I stand at 5 feet 9 inches .. and as you can see .. I weigh 80kgs.

According to my BMI or Body Mass Index website .. I'm like only sliiiiiightly overweight laa ... if I haaave to .... I'll go on a diet AFTER all the celebrations .. hehehe .... besides, I'm going on holiday next week !!

Now if I can just find somewhere to put that stupid weighing scale ... somewhere out of sight .......

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birthdays ....

I've always liked birthdays. The whole scene with the balloons and the snacks and the birthday cake (what's a birthday without a birthday cake?) and all your goofy friends around getting drunk .. and of course, presents !!

But recently I've begun to dread birthdays .. especially mine. Maybe it's cos with each birthday I land on, I seem to realise the significance of what it really means .. I'm just getting older and I've just realised that I don't wanna AGE gracefully ... there are just so many things that I still havent done .. or experienced.

But this particualr birthday really sucked. For one, I was still nursing a wounded and infected eye, and second, I was alone on an outstation assignment. Of course there were the sms'es from family and friends but it just didnt feel the same .. no beers on the table or friends around .. and no birthday cake.

I did, for a minute consider getting myself a small cake .. from me to me .. but methinks that would have been even more pathetic. So .. I just went out and sat down at a local mamak shop and ordered this :

I couldnt even finish it ... I dunno whether it was me or the murtabak .. but it was tasteless .. next time I'm gonna make sure I don't go anywhere when my birthday comes around .. at least I'll be with family even if I do get stood up by my friends ... and at least I'll have some cake ..

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Healing ....

It's 23:15 hours on a Sunday nite.

Seems that my infectious eye has finally made some progress. For one thing, it's no longer swollen shut cos I guess all that stuff that I've been swallowing has had some effect - but now that I'm able to see out of BOTH eyes .. I dont think I like what I see ..

There's pus coming out of the wound out of my lower eyelid where the swelling used to be .. and from a certain angle I bear an uncanny resemblance to Shrek.


Anyways, I hope the eye will heal enough for me to get back to work tomorrow cos I'm like bored outta my skull .. and hopefully the wound wont leave a scar .. bad enough I already have a long scar on my lower jaw from a previous robbery attempt ( 62 stitches but that's another story ) .....

Hope my clients wont freak out at the sight of me .....

Friday, September 19, 2008

This is Funny .....

When you're stuck in the house with an eye infection, there's not a lot you can actually do .. besides watch tv and surf the net .....

I came across this blog by this dude ... check out his blog here .... and of this video spoof .... I like the part at 3:18 where it goes "oh shit, he suspecting me" ... hahahahaha ...

Really creative, wouldnt you say?

And another one is OUT !!!

Pic taken from Malaysiakini


It's been almost one week since I've developed this bloody eye infection and it doesnt seem to show any signs of getting better .. I guess the only thing I can seek comfort in .. is that it doesnt seem to be getting any worse .. but the pain has lessened .. to an extent .. so I guess I'm thankful for that.

However, on the political front it seems that Teresa has been released from her ISA detention after one week. Guess public pressure has finally gotten to those fellows 'up there' ... gosh Teresa, you look pretty haggard from your one week stint .. get some rest and proper food.

So I guess the entire nation is now looking at the drama being played out by a certain politician hoping to takeover the current government by seeking a parliamentary session. And I'm also thinking that if he suceeds .. this will be a first for an Asian Nation .. a peaceful takeover of a nation without a single shot fired or any bloodshed whatsoever.

But of course .. will it ever happen?
And will the current government play ball?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I don't know what is it with me these days ... I've just barely recovered from the most irritating sore throat ever, and I've got to get this awful eye infection.

My left eye now looks as if someone stuffed a tennis ball into my head ... and it feels like it's being pricked by hot needles. And oh, besides the constant pain and headache, I've also got to put up with the jokes ...

"Watching too much porn huh?"
"What were you peeping at last night?"

The Doc says that it's a condition known as "Severe Chalazion - Left Lower Eye Lid" ... all I know is that it hurts like hell ... guess I wont be doing much driving or blogging the next few days ....

Anyone know any good home remedies?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Mid-Autumn Winter Festival

Today is the 15th day in the Eight Lunar Month – popularly known as the Mid-Autumn Winter Festival .. or as locals like to call it, the Mooncake Festival. This occasion is the second most celebrated festival amongst the Chinese community worldwide, next to Chinese New Year.

And how did the ‘Mooncake Festival’ come about?

Seems that back in olden China there was this Emperor dude .. the Zhou Dynasty, I think .. who wasn’t too popular with his subjects. The local folks then decide to hatch a plan to overthrow the unpopular Emperor – however dear old Kingy was pretty adamant about communication between the masses – all mail was scrutinised and screened – so the local folks hid the messages in the delicacies or cakes that was passed to relatives and families during this celebration – thereby ensuring proper communication and subsequently the downfall of the unfortunate Emperor.

Closer to home, the Mooncake festival in my family is pretty much celebrated much like any other occasion – basically with an obscene amount of food on the table, heavily tipped in favour of meats – and with all manner of uncles and aunties and kids yelling and screaming ( the kids, but sometimes the uncles and aunties too .. hehe ) and running around.

And of course it wouldn’t be a gathering if somehow a mahjong table didn’t make an appearance – with all the elders suddenly getting more animated with the prospect of shuffling ivory blocks around on a white piece of paper.

The womenfolk would usually be gathered around to share the latest gossip – in most cases usually about a certain relative’s scandalous not so secret affair – or about someone’s nephew or niece’s latest boyfriend or girlfriend.

The guys would usually be sitting around looking bored – me included. Later on at night the kids would be gathered outside armed with matches and TONS of candles, setting fire to anything they can get a hold of. And of course during this debacle, they would be encouraged by the adults, who would pretend to be around just to keep an eye on things.

It’s noisy and irritating and annoying and basically just chaos. And I can’t wait for next year. Hehe.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

She's Out !!

Pic courtesy of TheStarOnline.

Oh Wow.

It seems that the authorities have decided to release the Sin Chew reporter, Ms Tan Hoon Cheng .. as at 2:30 pm this afternoon. However the reason given for her detention under the ISA ruling in the first place was ... well .. why dont you read for yourself ....


Sin Chew Daily journalist, Tan Hoon Cheng, who was arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) yesterday, was released from the Federal Police Headquarters (Bukit Aman) here at about 2.30pm today.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar confirmed the 32-year-old woman’s release at a press conference at Bukit Aman.It is learnt that she was taken to Bukit Aman following her arrest at 8.30pm in Penang yesterday.

Syed Hamid said Tan’s detention under the ISA was part of the police’s swift action to ensure her safety after she received threatening calls.

He said police intelligence found the journalist’s life to be under threat after she reported about an Umno division leader’s allegedly racist remarks.

Read the full report here ..

So I guess dear old Pete and Teresa are also detained for for own safety ? And I wonder if there will be any follow up reports from Ms Tan about her detention ... or otherwise ?

My netfren WAS right .. this is really more exciting than a soap opera .. hehehe ...

Upholding the Truth ??

I was chatting with a netfren from IPOH the other day when she mentioned that the newspapers today are even more interesting than watching soap operas .. what with certain sodomy allegations about a prominent politician and of course the recent arrests of the trio listed below ...

What I dont understand is why the Sin Chew reporter, Ms Tan Hoon Cheng was detained .. and of all things, under ISA .. wasnt she just doing her job? Does that mean that people are no longer allowed to report the truth as they see it?

But wasnt it our PM that said that the media must not be afraid of honest reporting ? Then why was the reporter detained ?

And what about the guy who actually made the news in the first place? I understand he only got a suspension from the Party .. more like a slight slap on the wrist, if you ask me ... why wasnt he detained for making those remarks ?

It's not certain now what will happen to Ms Tan .. as well as Pete and Teresa. I hope they're gonna be ok ..... my prayers are for you guys ....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

' Net-Frens ' ....

I was chatting with a friend ( an ex-colleague ) the other day when he mentioned my blog.

" Why doncha write about all your netfrens and all the people you've met or talked to ? "

Now THAT would make for some interesting reading. I certainly have met a lot of people online ... from the ones who wouldnt meet me despite being open to all sorts of other .. err .. stuff .. to the ones who only wants a one night stand.

I remember talking to this girl online .. basically she was very open-minded .. and direct ... in her second line of text to me she was already asking me if I would be interested in a one night stand WITHOUT any commitments.

I can hear all the guys in the background already yelling .. WOW !! Dude .. Go For It !!!

Well, to be honest .. I WAS tempted .. but not to the extent that I was willing to get into bed with someone I didnt know. Heck, there are stuff to contend with, you know .. such as STDs, amongst other things.

However, I did get into a conversation with her .. seems that she is pretty much addicted to the 'physical act of love' .. and that she cant even go for a day without it. And she doesnt have a boyfriend yet. Why? Cos she cant be sure that she'll remain faithful.

Well, to each his own, I guess.

And in case if you're wondering .. NO, I didnt accept her offer. It was a bit too surreal for me to get into bed with someone just for sex. And dont message me asking me for her number cos I'm not going to pass it out to any Tom, Dick or Harry ....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dangerous Liasons .. Part Two

So I'm now back in KL .. after a week or so of running around the state of Perak, I've never wanted my bed more .. hehe .. I can only remember faintly getting home, taking a shower before jumping into bed .. I was out like a light the minute my head touched the pillow.

After waking up from a long and restful sleep, I somehow developed a craving for .. of all things .. steambot !! Which reminds me of last week when I met up again with Missy for steambot .. she wanted me for some company as her parents are overseas for a holiday and she was feeling kind lonesome .. so hey !! why not?

So we met up in Subang .. at this place that serves the most interesting steambot .. sorry no pictures cos my camera just so happened to be low on batteries then .. in place of the soup the restaurant uses porridge .. Mmm .. it was pretty good ... anyways, that wasnt the most interesting part .. seems that Missy has finally managed to shake off her ardent 'admirer' ..

Apparently, she has had to switch jobs, change her telephone number before our married dude finally got the idea that she wasnt interested. Heh. And oh, yeah .. she informed her parents that she was involved with a married man. And no, her mom surprisingly didnt go ballistic.

Methinks it's partly due to the fact that our married dude has already gotten someone else as a partner. Of course, I'm just guessing. Missy thinks so too.

Anyway .. Alls well that ends well, I say. Besides, the steambot was good !! Hehe .....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It's almost 0200am .. and I'm sitting in a hotel room somewhere in PERAK .. unable to sleep.

I've always had problems getting into Dreamland .. but usually after some light reading or perhaps a movie, I'd drift off to see the sandman.

But it doesnt seem so tonight.
I wonder why.

It's really quiet here .. the only thing I can hear is the hum of the air-conditioner .. and some stray dog barking in the distance. It's times like this when you start reflecting on the more deeper aspects of your existence .. like what am I doing sitting in some hotel in the middle of some small town ?

Why am I unable to sleep? I wonder who's awake now .. I also wonder about some of these thoughts running through my head now .. if said out aloud .. would they earn me a place in the state mental hospital ? .. or does it mean that I'm just like everybody else?

I'd better down a six-pack and go to bed. It's not good to ponder too much about these things.