But today was different .. I was actually looking forward to Monday .. I guess basically being cooped up in the house for an entire week with an eye infection tends to REALLY suck .... so going back to work tends to look pretty appealing.
Until I got onto the MRR2 .. that is.
I know Mondays traffic jams are bad .. but this was really really bad. Traffic was hardly moving ... until much much further up ahead .... and just when it started to ease ..

I saw this ambulance and a patrol car .. and a petrol tanker parked by the side ( at least I think it was a petrol tanker .. I only remember it was a huge lorry, maybe a trailer ) ... and it was then I saw it ....

What I saw was a body lying in the middle of the road .. covered up in a tarp .. the body was between the ambulance and the patrol car .. what made me sick was the parts of the body was lying all over the road .. as well as what I presume was his innards and brain matter ... there was also a soda cup on the road as well ...
I guess what happened was that the poor guy or gal was crossing the road when the lorry/trailer knocked the guy/gal down .. and rolled over the body, crushing it and spilling his/her innards all over .....
Needless to say, I didnt feel too good after that .... perhaps it's time laws against speeding on roads are more strictly enforced to prevent such things from happening in the future .......
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