It's was Saturday ... and after a round of brainstorming and tossing back and forth ideas with my colleagues .. it's time to unwind.
And so we did.
A quick bite for dinner and then it's off to this place in the Curve .. methinks the choice of location was a baaaad idea cos the place was absolutely packed ... ever heard of the term 'standing room only' ? I had to squeeze thru like several dozen people before I could get to the washroom to pee !!
Then again, besides ogling at all the very attractive women patrons who seemed to be in a contest to appear as slutty as possible ..... I have never been in a room so packed with people .. so single-mindedly obssesed with a common goal.
To get totally plastered as fast as possible.
All around me were guys and gals basically GULPING down alcohol ( and I do mean alcohol ... not beer ) like it was fruit juice ..

The ladies werent left out either .. it was looking more and more like a contest to see who could get stoned as quickly as possible .... the music didnt help either as it was blasting ... I think I was temporary deaf for like several hours after I stepped out from there ...

The few pics I managed was when things were still relatively normal .. it was pretty much mayhem later and I didnt want to risk losing my 'outdated nokia phone' to the crowd who was then not unlike raving lunatics .. hehe ..

It wasnt long till we had enough of the blasting music and the ravers ... so we left for supper somewhere nearby. I remember the supper ( actually it could be considered breakfast .. it was already like 0300am or so .. ) was pretty good .. but with the copious amounts of alcohol in our bloodstream, I could have been eating wet tissues and it still would have tasted great .. hehe.
Well, all of us got home safely without any incident. See ya next week !!
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