Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cats and Dogs ....

Remember Jolly ?

That's my purebred dalmation, which I had wanted to give away due to work commitments ( read about that post here ) sometime back - which I didn't really get to do cause there wasn't really anyone suitable.

There was this couple who saw Jolly and really loved her but had to say NO cause they live in a condo .. and well, I guess most condominiums do not allow pets - especially dogs like Jolly.

But alls well that ends well, I guess .. cos apparently Jolly has made 'friends' with my cat .. and my cat ( I call her 'Meow' ) has also made friends with Jolly ..... they even share the same bowl and Jolly leaves some of her biscuits for the cat !!

Now who says Dogs and Cats can't get along ........

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Back to Work .....

Guess what ?

I've gotten a job - so that means I'm going back to work soon - next month, in fact. Hopefully my new boss is nice - she was nice during the interview .....

And I also hope my health condition doesn't act up - I've been feeling OK all this time .. dunno whether it due to me not having any stress ... but I'm getting kind fedup sitting at home ..

It should feel good to be out again .. meeting people ..