Monday, March 29, 2010

Mondays ..

I thought feeling lousy and lethargic and a general sense of 'feeling sick' comes with the usual blues of a Monday.

Turns out I'm running a temperature of 102 degrees .. I just checked .. no wonder I didn't have the appetite to eat anything at all today .. guess I'll just pop a couple of Panadols and go to bed.

I just hope I'll be ok tomorrow - cos being sick really SUCKS.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wow ...

So after dropping off my daughter at school ( why do they have classes on a Saturday? ) this morning, I made my way to the mamak stall near my house - ordered a glass of hot tea and proceeded to just chill .... when I noticed this huge shadow pass over me ..

It was only then that I realised an eagle had flown right over me ( or rather us as I was sitting with the mamak stall owner ) less than 10 feet above my head !!

Living next to a secondary forest does have it benefits and the occasional visitor .. just never expected an eagle ..

Nice to know that in heavily polluted KL .. there are still sights to remind you that not everything is lost .....

Friday, March 26, 2010

You Know Who You Are ....

How many POLITE ways are there to show that you are NOT interested?

If I don't pick up your call .. and I don't reply your smses .. despite you calling over and over again .. as well as not responding to any of your smses OR your SKYPE messages ..

Doesn't that give you an indication that i'm NOT interested?
Or do I have to tell you to your face to FUCK OFF ??

Jeeez .. some people really tak malu .....

Monday, March 1, 2010

Still Around ...

Just a short note to say that im still here .. just been really busy lately, what with the festive season and all the other stuff that i've gotta deal with .. updates soon !!