Thursday, November 27, 2008
How to Attend Meetings
Ask among your coworkers. “Hi,” you should say. “I’m a new employee. What is the name of my job?” If they answer “long-range planner” or “politician” you are pretty much free to lepak around and go yum char until retirement. Most jobs, however, will require some work.
There are two major kinds of work in modern organizations:
1. Taking phone messages for people who are in meetings, and,
2. Going to meetings.
Your ultimate career strategy will be to get a job involving primarily No.2, going to meetings, as soon as possible, because that’s where the real power is. It is all very well and good to be able to take phone messages, but you are never going to get a position of power, a position where you can cost thousands of people their jobs with a single bodoh decision, unless you learn how to attend meetings.
The first meeting ever was held back in the Caveman Era. In those days, Man’s job was to hunt and kill his food and bring it home for Woman, who had to figure out how to cook it. The problem was, Man was slow and basically naked, whereas the prey had warm fur and could run like a kancil. (In fact it *was* a kancil, only nobody knew this).
At last someone said, “Maybe if we just sat down and did some brainstorming, we could come up with a better way to hunt our prey!” It went extremely well, plus it was much warmer sitting in a circle, so they agreed to meet again the next day, and the next.
But the women pointed out that the men had not produced anything, and the human race was pretty much starving. The men agreed that was serious and said they would put it right near the top of their “agenda”. At this point, the women, who were primitive but not stupid, started eating plants, and thus modern agriculture was born. It never would have happened without meetings.
The modern business meeting, however, might better be compared with a funeral, in the sense that you have a gathering of people who are wearing uncomfortable clothing and would rather be somewhere else. The major difference is that most funerals have a definite purpose. Also, nothing is really ever buried in a meeting.
An idea may look dead, but it will always reappear at another meeting later on. If you have ever seen the movie, “Night of the Living Dead,” you have a rough idea of how modern meetings operate, with projects and proposals that everyone thought were killed rising up constantly from their graves to stagger back into meetings and eat the brains of the living.
And one more thing : if somebody falls asleep in a meeting, have everyone else leave the room. Then collect a group of total strangers, right off the street, and have them sit around the sleeping person until he wakes up. Then have one of them say to him, “Joe, your plan is very, very risky. However, you’ve given us no choice but to try it. I only hope, for your sake, that you know what you’re getting yourself into.” Then they should file quietly out of the room.
* Adapted and shamelessly copied from Dave Barry's How to Attend a Meeting
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Looming Decision
Decision day is next week ..
I just hope it's the right choice ... cos it still doesnt really feel right .. despite what my head tells me ...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
No Parking ....
Seems that the occupants in a certain part of Subang Jaya are so territorial and protective about their parking spaces .. cars parked at their so-called 'parking places' would be smeared with human excrement to prevent further occurences.
No, you didnt read it wrong .. read it again .. human excrement .. as in SHIT.
Makes you wonder why parking places are so incredibly precious ... that people would actually take the trouble to go to the toilet .. take a dump .. collect the 'dumplings' ... and use it to smear it all over the car and door handles !!!
Imagine what it would smell like if the owner were to discover his car in that condition in the evening after work ... and after it has been in the sun the entire day .....
I dont think I would wanna use the car again .....
Monday, November 24, 2008
Territorial Rights?
Now, i'm not a stranger to fighting over parking space as I've lived in condos before .. but what Jack told me was really .. how shall i say it .. well, let's just say it kinda made me mad ..
This is where Jack stays .. a nice comfy apartment in KL .. and as with all apartments and condos, parking space is limited .. so it was either Jack's significant other or Jack who had to park outside ... no guesses as to who parked outside ..

And this is Jack's car ..

Now since Jack had to park outside, obviously he would park somewhere considered safe from break-ins .. hence, my friend chose a brightly lit public car park in front of a chinese restaurant. And he would ALWAYS park there AFTER the restaurant closes for business so as not to block any of the outlet's patrons.
Guess that didnt help cos the next day when he came down to get his car he saw this etched in acid on his car's bonnet ...

Wouldnt it be more simpler to leave a note on the windscreen? I suggested that Jack make a police report against the restaurant .. but knowing our local enforcement .. it would not make any difference.
Let's just say that the next time Im in the area .. im gonna be very very careful about where I park .. and where I eat !!
PS : The car's bonnet and subsequent paintjob cost my friend several hundred ringgit ..
Friday, November 21, 2008
Choices ...

A window has just opened .. and the view looks great ..
Thing is this ... should I or shouldnt I ?
If I were to step thru this window, I dont think I can come back to where I am now ..
And how will this decision affect my future ?
Will I even HAVE a future after stepping thru this window?
I just hope this choice is going to be the right one .....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I'm back ...
I've been like traveling all around the state of Perak on my assignments .. and it's been hectic.
Anyways, I'm back in KL .. just.
Hence this post.
On a side note .. somebody commented that my blog is boring.
My reply is .. If you think it's boring ... DON'T READ IT LAH !!
Ok .. now that I've gotten THAT outta my system .. I wanna like say .. comparatively .. does anyone know which state in Malaysia has the worse drivers ? I mean, besides KL of course .. we ALL know that KL has some of the most aggressive drivers ... but what about the other states ?
I'm wondering cos the other day when I was in the Teluk Intan ... I saw a lady driver casually just stop in the middle of the road next to a school ( and when I say middle, I really mean RIGHT in the MIDDLE of the ROAD ) .. get out of her car .. opened up her boot and beckoned her son .. put his schoolbag in .. and ushered him into the back seat before getting back in and driving off !!
There was a LONG line of cars behind her ... and despite the honking, she didnt even give a damn !! She even had the cheek to take her own bloody sweet time !!
I wonder what would happen if she did that in the middle of Chow Kit in rush hour ....
And they say men are the road bullies ....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A child is born to innocence ; a child is drawn towards good
What makes some walk the path of darkness .. while others chase the light?
Can we ever hope to understand the Force that shapes the soul?
To fight evil .. one must know evil .. one must journey back thru time and find that fork in the road .. where heroes turn one way, and villians turn another ..
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Year's End ..
Stop smoking.
Stop consuming alcohol.
Stop losing my temper.
And of course, stop taking my family and friends for granted.
But knowing me ... it'll all be down the drain by the second week of January .. What are YOUR resolutions gonna be like?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Intoxication ...
It's was Saturday ... and after a round of brainstorming and tossing back and forth ideas with my colleagues .. it's time to unwind.
And so we did.
A quick bite for dinner and then it's off to this place in the Curve .. methinks the choice of location was a baaaad idea cos the place was absolutely packed ... ever heard of the term 'standing room only' ? I had to squeeze thru like several dozen people before I could get to the washroom to pee !!
Then again, besides ogling at all the very attractive women patrons who seemed to be in a contest to appear as slutty as possible ..... I have never been in a room so packed with people .. so single-mindedly obssesed with a common goal.
To get totally plastered as fast as possible.
All around me were guys and gals basically GULPING down alcohol ( and I do mean alcohol ... not beer ) like it was fruit juice ..

The ladies werent left out either .. it was looking more and more like a contest to see who could get stoned as quickly as possible .... the music didnt help either as it was blasting ... I think I was temporary deaf for like several hours after I stepped out from there ...

The few pics I managed was when things were still relatively normal .. it was pretty much mayhem later and I didnt want to risk losing my 'outdated nokia phone' to the crowd who was then not unlike raving lunatics .. hehe ..

It wasnt long till we had enough of the blasting music and the ravers ... so we left for supper somewhere nearby. I remember the supper ( actually it could be considered breakfast .. it was already like 0300am or so .. ) was pretty good .. but with the copious amounts of alcohol in our bloodstream, I could have been eating wet tissues and it still would have tasted great .. hehe.
Well, all of us got home safely without any incident. See ya next week !!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Musings ..
A nice lunch .. with a very good friend.
Chatting about shared experiences and the people we've both met.
People who are, at most times interesting and a delight to talk to,
but more often than not, strange and disturbing.
My lunch-date was telling me about the time she made arrangements to meet this 'net-fren' who insisted on meeting her in the car-park ... in his car .. parked in a secluded area with the car facing a wall ( and this was the first time she was meeting this guy !! ) ..
She told him to find someone else.
I guess you don't have to be a genius to figure out what he was after.
It never fails to amaze me how some guys ( and some gals as well ) would just assume the other party is an absolute moron. But hey, stranger things have happened.
Anyways, before we even knew it, lunchtime was up and we had to go our separate ways. She gave me a lift back to my car before driving off. And I was left smiling at the one of the most pleasant conversations I've had in a long time.
Thanks for the lunch, C. We must do this again sometime. And next time, let's make sure we both dont have prior engagements !!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Who Am I ?
As someone who is always meeting people in the course of my job, I sometimes wonder which one is the real me .. the exuberant, optimistic guy, or the depressed and confused fool who needs to weigh everything before even making the simplest of decisions.
I also wonder why I sometimes entertain thoughts of mayhem and violence in my head .. is that the real me? Is my subconcious trying to tell me something?
Sometimes I pick up my pellet gun ( the el-cheapo type kids play with ) and target my cat .. or my dog. Why do I do that? Is this some residue left behind in me from the times we were living in caves and hunting dinosaurs for dinner?
Kinda makes you wonder, don't it?
I guess the only time I admit who I really am is when I'm in alone on an outstation assignment and in bed and about to fall asleep .. I feel like I'm missing out on something in this life. Oh, don't get me wrong. I enjoy my job and I love my family but I feel like I'm not doing it all ....
I hate how mundane and boring life has become ; how safe and predictable things are. I've always lived life on the edge .. andrenalin coursing thru my veins in anticipation of what's around the next corner. Now everything is so safe and conservative.
Maybe that's good cos I'm not getting any younger. But it doesnt help that my mind and body is still yearning for something .... I don't know what.
Perhaps it's just a mid-life crisis.
Dammit. I'm old.
Guess I can always depend on my pellet-gun .. if only I can remember where I put it .......
Monday, November 3, 2008
Ever been a fool ?
Baby, I know the story
I've seen the picture
It's written all over your face
Tell me
What's the secret
That you've been hiding
And who's gonna take my place
I should have seen it coming
I should have read the signs
Anyway .. I guess it's over
I can't believe that I'm the fool again
I thought this love would never end
How was I to know
You never told me ..
I can't believe that I'm the fool again
And I who thought you were my friend
How was I to know
You never told me ..
Baby, you should've called me
When you were lonely
When you needed me to be there
Sadly, you never gave me
Too many chances
To show you how much I cared
Oh I should have seen it coming
I should have read the signs
Anyway .. I guess it's over
I can't believe that I'm the fool again
I thought this love would never end
How was I to know
You never told me ..
I can't believe that I'm the fool again
And I who thought you were my friend
How was I to know
You never told me ..
About the pain and the tears ..
If I could I would
Turn back the time
Ooh yeah
I should have seen it coming
I should have read the signs
Anyway .. I guess it's over ....
I can't believe that I'm the fool again
I thought this love would never end
How was I to know
You never told me
I can't believe that I'm the fool again
And I who thought you were my friend
How was I know
You never told me ..........
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Men and Women
Now, what I noticed wasnt her boobs ( ok-la, so I took a quick glance .. im a guy ok? ) or how she was dressed .. but what interested me was the reaction of those sitting around the other tables.
The guys would be basically ogling at her more than generous assets unabashedly and the women at those tables would be staring with daggers in their eyes.
And it got me thinking to what I read the other day in a blog entry.
I guess the entire male species must have tunnel vision, and in addition to their horny nature, be zooming in or narrowing it down to boobs or butts. Women, on the other hand, would be staring or swearing over bad hairstyles, poor make-up, out-of-proportion body shapes ( re : boobs too big, thighs too big ) or even bad dressing !!
Dont tell me that men and women are created equal.
Because that is absolutely preposterous.
Under pressure, men would drink alcohol and start comtemplating on invading the next country ( or maybe perhaps just pick a fight in a pub ). Women would eat chocolates and go shopping.
Women criticise men for being uncaring, not sensitive, not listening and wanting to have sex than making love. Men criticise women about talking too much, for their sense of direction, for their driving skills and for not initiating sex more.
Men are astounded by how a woman can't see a flashing red light on the dashboard of the car, but can see a used condom in a dark corner some 100 meters away ; Women are confounded by
men who can ALWAYS park the car in the tightest spot using only a rear-view mirror, but can NEVER find the G-spot.
But I digress.
I asked my two female colleagues as to why women react that way when they see another woman dressed that way .... and guess what? They just smiled and said 'Lunchtime's up .. let's go back to the office ' ..
Methinks the only way the two sexes will ever start to understand each other is when we can really start talking to each other .. build on our collective strengths instead of focussing on our weaknesses.
But personally I think this will never happen.