Friday, August 29, 2008
Using SKYPE .....
Have any of you guys run into any 'weirdos' on these instant messaging software? I was using SKYPE last Sunday morning, just checking my emails and catching up with some old friends when I got 'pinged' .. and apparently by Cleopatra !! ... and this was what followed ..
[9:15:19 AM] cleopatra hottie says: hi
[9:15:52 AM] billy says: hmm
[9:15:54 AM] billy says: hello
[9:16:03 AM] cleopatra hottie says: hi
[9:16:06 AM] cleopatra hottie says: nice meeting you
[9:16:12 AM] billy says: yes ..
[9:16:16 AM] cleopatra hottie says: ok
[9:16:24 AM] billy says: would u please introduce yourself?
[9:16:33 AM] cleopatra hottie says: im a model
[9:16:39 AM] cleopatra hottie says: in a naked show
[9:16:47 AM] billy says: really
[9:16:52 AM] billy says: go on
[9:16:56 AM] cleopatra hottie says: yes
[9:17:02 AM] cleopatra hottie says: 1$ access
[9:17:05 AM] cleopatra hottie says: in my show
[9:18:02 AM] billy says: so i would be wrong to say that you're jus some guy sitting around his pc pretending to be some hot model and sending random msgs to people to try and get them to access your website?
[9:18:40 AM] cleopatra hottie says: yes
[9:18:41 AM] cleopatra hottie says: babe
[9:18:43 AM] cleopatra hottie says: im a model
[9:18:47 AM] cleopatra hottie says: im a girl
[9:19:08 AM] billy says: hahahhahahah
[9:19:10 AM] billy says: really
[9:19:15 AM] billy says: prove it
[9:19:17 AM] cleopatra hottie says: yeah
[9:19:30 AM] cleopatra hottie says: just access
[9:19:35 AM] cleopatra hottie says: ill prove it
[9:19:38 AM] billy says: u have a cam
[9:19:40 AM] billy says: show me
[9:19:44 AM] billy says: then ill believe u
[9:20:50 AM] cleopatra hottie says: my cam is in my show
[9:20:59 AM] cleopatra hottie says: need membership for 1$ access
[9:21:03 AM] cleopatra hottie says: trial membership
[9:21:46 AM] billy says: hahahahhaaha
[9:21:50 AM] billy says: this is really funny
[9:21:59 AM] cleopatra hottie says: yeah
[9:22:10 AM] cleopatra hottie says: cos you have no money thats why funny???
[9:22:20 AM] billy says: are there really so many stupid guillible people out there?
[9:22:47 AM] billy says: who will spend money just to access your website jus because of some random pic on your skype?
[9:23:00 AM] cleopatra hottie says: hehe
[9:23:04 AM] billy says: and becos of some things uve said?
[9:23:06 AM] cleopatra hottie says: no its a show
[9:23:12 AM] cleopatra hottie says: and lots of access here
[9:23:20 AM] cleopatra hottie says: not like you
[9:23:28 AM] cleopatra hottie says: even 1$ cant afford
[9:24:02 AM] billy says: no thanks 'cleopatra' .. it's not the 1 dollar .. im not guillible and stupid
[9:24:08 AM] billy says: bye
And you know what? There are ACTUALLY people out there who would fork over hard earned money on the chance that there MAY be some 'hottie' on the other end of that website or phone or whatever !!
I guess it takes all kinds ......
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Breaking Up is ' HAIR ' to Do ??
I've had several net-frens whom I've noticed .. when after a particularly emotional breakup ... goes and gets their hair done .. drastically !!
Where previously there was long flowing luscious hair .. now in it's place is something that looks like it had been sheared off with the garden choppers .. and these girls actually pay good money to have this done to them !!
Why is that ?
Is it some sort of symbol of a new beginning .. or an outward sign of some sort of declaration of independence ? I mean .. it's one thing to go and shop .. but it's a totally different thing to butcher your hair !!
And since when did having an Edward Scissorhands hairstyle meant that you were declaring yourself single and available ?
Hmm ... I wonder if your significant other starts getting a new hairstyle .. does it mean what I think it means? Or what?
One thing's for sure ... I'll never understand women ....
Friday 10:00am - UPDATE :
I spoke to one of my net-frens this morning who said that she had read this post .. and I asked her .. why do women cut their hair whenever they have a break-up? And you know what she said?
" Dunno .. no comment "
Guess I'm not the only confused and complicated person out there .. hehe ..
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Choices and Options
And again this comes to choices made. To go through this window ? Or perhaps the other one ? What lies beyond ?
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what develops.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tuesday ..
It seems to be kinda the norm that on Mondays we have our general/sales meetings .. to be followed by lunch. And of course, happy hours later at night.
But while it's good to be able to 'hang out' with the guys, methinks my liver will sooner or later protest at all the alcohol it's being forced to deal with. I woke up this morning feeling like my throat's made of sandpaper .. and like there was a thousand little guys in my head working with jackhammers.
And to top it off, I lost my voice later after lunch.
It's now 10:00 pm and I feel as sick as a dog. I havent been able to eat anything cos my throat hurts like hell, and I've developed a fever. Guess I'll just do the same thing everyone else does ... pop a couple of panadols and go to bed.
I better stop drinking ............ so often.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Back in KL ....
What a week it has been. Besides being on an emotional rollercoaster, I've been working my butt off trying to keep busy. And of course, during the course of my assignments I've been 'savouring' the various 'delicacies' each state had to offer ..
The obligatory Nga Choy Kai at Ipoh ..

Look at the size of those balls ... yum ..

I do declare that I've found the most savoury 'Loh Mai Kai' I've ever had .. this was in the town of LANGKAP .. look at the size of that mushroom ...

Another savoury treat .. Wu Kok ..

That's it for now ... see you next week !!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Blue Monday
First time I actually watched the sunrise .. and listened to the birds singing in the morning. The sun didnt actually come out as it was obsured the very black stormy clouds ... such a grey gloomy day .. mirrored exactly how I felt.
I dont know which felt worse .. the realization that I would have to get up and go to work .. face people, put on a smiley face and pretend that absolutely nothing was wrong .. or trying to forget .. there are so many things that would remind me ... finding a strand of stray hair .. a scent ....
I hope I can get through this week without losing it ... perhaps I would be better off trying to get through today ... maybe it's time I plan another outstation assignment .. maybe two weeks this time .. with work I may just be able to forget .......
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Making Decisions ...
Funny, I just realised I haven eaten anything since I woke up and I don't feel hungry. Guess depression does that to you.
I've been thinking ... people make decisions or choices all day long. From the time you wake up to the time you get back into bed, everything you decide affects your life and the lives of those around you.
I guess most decisions are trivial and dont really matter .. like what I'm gonna eat for dinner .. or perhaps what to wear ... but what about the bigger stuff?
Like things you say .. do you ever stop to think how it would affect those around you? What if I hadnt said those things? What if I didnt go on that trip?
I know I've made bad decisions in the past .. and I've had to live with them. I always wonder, what if I could do it all over again .. would I make the same decision? Would I be wiser and consider before choosing what to say or do?
Or would it turn out EXACTLY the same?
Guess I can only continue to stumble onward and hope that whatever damage I've done can be contained ... and that whatever I'm going to do next wont hurt anyone else ... except perhaps myself ..
Weekends ....
And as usual, plans made are usually never within your expectations. My weekend, which was supposed to be interesting and fun, turned out to be extremely depressing ..
Aaaaah well.
I guess I still have Monday to look forward to.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Friday !!
Part of the reason why I'm feelin this way is cos my weekend this week is already planned .. I'm going on holiday .. so see ya'all Monday !!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Random Thoughts
Or that every conversation wouldnt end in an argument .. or that I would learn how to be more perceptive ....
I wish.
Maybe it'll happen someday .. in some other lifetime ..... or in my dreams ...
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Kuantan .. and Soap ...
I was in Kuantan on a Saturday to attend a open house party hosted by one of my clients .. after the event was done it was still pretty early .. about 400pm I guess .. so I decided to look around to see if I could find some promising spots to do some casting ...
I ended up here .. an absolutely beautiful and desolate area .. I only had to drive thru a 'jungle' to get to this spot ....

After standing around for a few minutes and gaping at the sight, I turned back to my car to get my stuff out when I noticed a huge black pool of black stuff on the ground just below my car ... I already had an inkling as to what it was .. so I pushed the car back and checked the dipstick ... and it was empty !!
Apparently when I was driving in I hit something which I assume was a rock ( it wasnt .. some arsehole had dumped a huge piece of grilling into a pool of water ) and that must have ruptured my sump .. resulting in all my engine oil leaking out ... so ... checked the sump and yea .. a pretty big crack on both sides ...

I was now in a quandary .. here I was in the middle of nowhere .. on a Saturday evening at 500pm .. with a car emptied of engine oil .. I managed to get a passerby's help .. 'Abang' drove me out to several mechanics who wasnt too keen to sacrifice their Saturday evenings looking for a tow-truck ... hmm .. in the end I called my mechanic 'Mr Enstein' ... who suggested I plaster the crack with a plain bar of soap !!
Well, desperate times calls for desperate measures .. I wasnt too keen on spending a weekend in the middle of nowhere with just mosquitos and Gods knows what else for company ... so with the help of 'Abang' I bought several bars of LUX soap and some engine oil .. drove back to the car .. and basically just plastered the cracks with it ....

Waited for the soap to harden ... then poured the engine oil in .... and guess what? It WORKED !! Nothing leaked out ... so after conveying my thanks to 'Abang' I drove slowly back from KUANTAN back to KL ... and not a drop leaked out !!
Man ... the things you can do with a bar of soap ... hehehe ...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Grin and bear it? Or join the club and lose your temper as well? Thing is, if you lose your temper as well and push back .. later you'll be branded as 'not supportive and understanding' ... shit ...
I mean .. if you got out of the WRONG side of your bed or some shit crawled up and clamped down on your ass .. Dont Take It Out On Me !! I Didnt Do It !! Nothing you do or say at that moment is ok .. there is always something wrong with the way you said it or the way you did it ..
I have enough problems of my own without taking on someone else's baggage ... sheeeesh .. the only problem is this .. if it's your friend or an acquaintance you can basically tell them to go straight to hell ... only when it's your boss or your significant other .. that's when the problem starts ...
I once had this boss who would come in and you would never know what the day would be like .... ever wish you could tell your boss to go to hell? And dont come back? You ever had a day when first thing in the morning when you walk in your office and the look on your boss' face mirrors the 7 plagues in the book of Revelations?
What about your significant other? When all she or he wants is for you to take it up your arse with a smile? And when you even make a slight grimace, it's taken as you not being supportive enough?
Even worse .. when it's BOTH your boss AND your significant other? AND ON THE SAME DAY??
Now I know why some people enjoy the company of ONE .. themselves. The only person you can piss off is yourself.
Makes you wanna go look for some hole in the ground .. climb in there and never come back out ...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Elvis ..
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I cant help
Falling in love .. with you ..
Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I cant help
Falling in love .. with you ..
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be ..
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I cant help
Falling in love .. with you .........
Ok la .. so I'm a romantic sap .. I admit it .. ok?
At least nothing blew up on me today .. it's Monday mah .. heheh ..
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Ipoh ... and onwards ..

I wanted something different so I had this to go with my Nga Choy Kai .. prawn noodles with chicken ( ayam lagi .. hehe ) in black soya sauce ..

And of course what's a meal without the a glass of iced white coffee ..

After all the 'chicken' I headed out of town via the old trunk road towards Taiping .. and I passed by this 'interesting' town ... I dont know why they call it that .. did the town have LOTS of rambutans back then? Cos I didnt see any ...

And of course .. I couldnt resist looking up this place ... I've always wondered about the 'facilities' in this institution .. too bad there was a HUGE sign outside prohibiting cameras .. the gardens inside really looked nice ..
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Still Ipoh ..
So far .. the hotel's been great. This is where I've been staying .. it's called an 'INN' but for the price and locale, it's really not too bad .. it's got Astro as well as free WIFI ...
The front reception counter ( can you guess whether the person at the reception counter is a guy or a gal? Cos I've couldnt tell .. even up close .. hehe )
The 'lounge' at the reception ...
My room ... looks pretty comfy, huh?
Guess I can get a good night's sleep !! If I can stop fiddling with my notebook, that is ... free WIFI mah ......
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Ipoh ..

Only to turn my vision BACK onto to road to see this ... good thing I wasnt driving at my 'usual' speed .. otherwise I would have ended up as another statistic ...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Lumut ..
Looks like that room I stayed in last night ( Hotel Angsoka in Teluk Intan ) was worse that I had previously figured. Besides being absolutely tiny ( there was only a bed in there .. that's about it ), the bedsheets smelled, the walls was stained ( Ugh, God only knows with what ) methinks the room was also .. err .. 'occupied'.
I woke up like 5 times that nite after sensing someone or something standing over me ... in the end I had to sleep ( and I say that in jest .. cos I didnt sleep at all ) with ALL the lights on before I could get any shut-eye at all !
Well, anyways .. today saw me in Lumut .. and the hotel I got today was great !! It's called Hotel DJ Palace and for the exact same price that I paid last nite .. hey .. what a difference.
Unfortunately, I didnt manage to get any pics as I was totally tired out from work and lack of sleep ... now am basically posting this in a blur .. I'm going to bed .... more updates tomorrow !!
Monday, August 4, 2008
On the Road ... again ...
Fortunately for me my so-called 'curse' of BAD Mondays has finally been lifted. And just as well cos I'm on the road again. This time thru out the entire state of Perak.
I ended up today at the interesting town of Teluk Intan .. or previously known as Teluk Anson. And of course after finishing an exhausting work day, one would of course seek a comfortable hotel to rest.
That was NOT the case.
I checked into Hotel Angsoka. The hotel looks pretty classy from the outside but once I got into the room ... this is what I saw ...
This room looks like something couples rent for hourly fun ..

And goddamit .. this was what I saw in the wastepaper basket ...

I thought the corridors to the room was bad enough .. it looked like I was on a tour of the Malaysian Thailand tunnels for refugees during WW2 ... but to find a USED condom in my room ... aiyo .. the reception couldnt even be bothered when I complained ...
I hope tomorrow I get a better hotel cos this one SUCKS !!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
My Dog ...

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine.
Meet Jolly.
Jolly is a pure-bred Dalmation. And as with this breed, basically they are very good with children, mischevious and extremely intelligent. The reason for this post is because due to work commitments, I cant afford to spend as much time as I would like with Jolly.
I'm like on the road for like two weeks at a time and Jolly has to spend most of her time alone and well, that's not very good for someone with Jolly's temperament. Oh, dont get me wrong. Dear old doggy gets fed on time and all, but my friend is not very happy at being left alone for long periods and is very unhappy.
And so I've decided to find Jolly a new home. Someone who will spend time with my friend, take her on walks and just play with her everyday. I cant bear the thought of selling Jolly off so I've decided to give her away to a more suitable family that will take care of her well.
If you've been looking for a dog that is good with children and a companion, drop me a comment or go to my profile and email me with your number and we'll meet up. And if Jolly likes you ( she likes everyone as far as I know .. ) and you like dear old doggy .. well ..
Dont take too long to decide !!
At the Movies .....

Actually me and my friends were at Sunway Pyramid to catch this ...

And what did I think of it? I dunno ... I guess it was .... ok-lah .. after all, once you've seen ONE mummy, you seen them all ... lol ..
Friday, August 1, 2008
It's FRIDAY !!

I mean .. what if a vehicle loses control and spins OFF the highway? I dont wanna play kiss the 10-ton trailer's headlamps whilst I'm in the bathroom taking care of business !!

Anyways ... evenings saw me BACK at Kota D. cos some of my friends who had been reading my blog saw the post on the pan mee and wanted to try it out .. guess all the stories of sedap-sedap finally got to them .. hehe ..

You know .. I should be getting advertising fees or a discount or something on my bill here .. look at these guys go .. hehe ...

The end results ....

And the official findings? SEDAAAP !!!