I've been really sick.
Actually I've been having this chronic cough for some time ( hmm .. now that I think of it, almost 2 months ) and it got really really bad the other day ... bad enough for me to go and see the Doc for some medicine.
I wouldnt even have considered going to see the Doc except that I woke up the other day coughing so badly I felt as if my lungs were practically coming outta my mouth .. guess that's also one of the reasons why I quit smoking.
Anyways .. after asking some questions and giving me the once over, Doc promptly declared that I either had contracted tuberculosis ( WTF? TB?? ) or bronchitis or maybe H1N1 ( except that I didnt have a fever ) .. but to be sure Doc put me on a course of antibiotics and some other yucky stuff I had to take for 5 days ... and if my condition didnt improve, it's XRAYS and off to see a Specialist.
That was one week ago.
I'm glad to say that I can breathe so much more easily now .. my cough is almost gone .. and my chest doesnt hurt anymore. So I guess it was just a lung infection.
I practically spent the entire week in bed .. just dozing in and out of consciousness ( the antibiotics were really strong ) .. only getting up to go to the bathroom and have my medicine. I didnt even feel clear headed enough to eat anything except some soups ..
But hey, I feel so much better now .. and actually am looking forward to going back to work ! I just hope I can remember who to call and who to follow up with .... maybe I can blame it on residual effects of the antibiotics if I forget ... hehe ..