So as with every other nite, after checking my mails and doing some work on my laptop .. I went to bed last nite anticipating a good night's rest as I had to be up really early today.
I distinctly remember going to bed at about midnite and just as I was dozing off .. I could have sworn I heard something breaking .. like glass being shattered. But since the noise came from outside, I just figured it was somebody running over a bottle or something ..
A few hours later, I heard people yelling ' Fire! Fire! ' .. looked out my bedroom window and saw this .....

Quickly I put something on (it was hot and besides, I like to sleep in the nude, ok?) ran outside and saw this ..

Apparently it was a car that was parked in the backlane just directly opposite my house ... and it was on fire .. by then, a huge crowd of people had already gathered .. I called the emergency numbers ( 994/999 ) and guess what?
Sheeesh .. good thing I had the number to the police station in my area .. the policewoman said that she would notify the Fire Department .. who came by pretty fast .. see the pic below .. you can just make out the fireman ..

Here's a zoomed shot .. the heat was tremendous and I couldnt get any closer .. besides, there was an explosion just a few secs before .. musta been the petrol tank ..

I later discovered thru my neighbour that the glass shattering I heard earlier was from the same car .. somebody or some people had smashed the car's windscreen .. and the later returned to burn the car .. this was later in the morning at 0700am when I took this pic below ..

No wonder it was so hot .. the flames caused a long burn marks next to the wall where it was parked ..

Dunno who this guy pissed off ... and by the way, the car was a Toyota Wish .. methinks the owner of the car either owned someone money or something ... or maybe he was holding back on his employees' salaries?
PS : The car was already gone by the time I got back home at nite .. I sure hope this dont happen again tonite ... sheesh ..