It's gonna be very hot in the days ahead, according to our local Metrological Department. And not only that, brace yourself for the haze ..
the full report here.
So after a full day of running around and seeing my clients, I decided that something much more lighter for dinner on my digestive system would be more beneficial. As such, me and Jack found ourselves at this place .. famed for it's specialty porridge.
That's the stall you see below .. no frills but there are customers actually hanging around waiting for a place to sit ..

And that's the porridge .. yum ..

And the chicken to go with it ...

Despite the sweltering heat ( it was still very humid and hot then at 07:40pm ) people were still standing around waiting for seats and those that couldnt wait '
tau-paued' their meals ..
Both me and Jack finished our meal in record time - partly because of the people waiting around for seats but mainly due to the heat and humidity .. towards the end of our meal we were already looking like two drowned rats ( in Jack's words "
berpeluh-peluh " ) - basically soaked in sweat .. I looked around and almost everyone there looked the same .. hehe ..
The meals ( 2 bowls of porridge with condiments and pork innards and a plate of chicken as well as 2 glasses of iced herbal tea ) came to RM17-00 .. not too bad .. I definitely will be back .. but next time in something more comfortable !!