I had some time to myself the other day .. and I was reminiscing on my past jobs with all the companies I've ever worked for .. and you know what most of them have in common?
Grouses about our bosses.
About how your boss is THE most penny-pinching asshole you've ever seen .. or how incredibly calculative they are in paying out your salary ( like trying to delay your salary like into the next week of the following month ) ..
Well, let me tell you about one of MY previous bosses.
I was with his company sometime back - actually to be precise, I was attached to his company for almost half a year. Now of course, following the standard modus operandi of the typical asshole boss, they are very very nice to you during the interview. And you start getting deluded into thinking .. Hey, he's a nice guy. He's so humble and understanding despite being so rich.
Yeah .. right.
It always seems to start about 2 months into the job when he starts picking on the small things .. like your punctuality, for example. Never mind that you work till almost 09:00pm daily and that you even work on Sundays AND public holidays.
To your boss being punctual is a sign that you look forward to each new day with enthusiam and eagerness .. doesnt matter even if you were drinking like a goldfish with him the previous night till 04:00am .. doesnt matter that HE comes in at 11:00am ... YOU have to be in the office at 09:00am SHARP.
And then it gets even worse.
He tells you that the company is planning to expand .. we're going to get a new office ( in his case, a new office means a new building ) and that he has to start looking at cost-saving measures.
So later when you are due for confirmation, you find that a lot of the so-called promises that was made during the initial interview are conveniently forgotten.
Like your increment, for example. And oh, what about that position he promised you? And of course, the typical penny-pinching boss would not be one if he didnt cut back on the smaller things in the office.
Like your mileage claims.
Bad enough that you are basically paid the LOWEST mileage per kilometer in MALAYSIA .. he has to lower it even further by citing that fuel prices has dropped in the last few months. Hello? You are not even paying me maintenance and you are paying me less than 30cents per km .. and now you are lowering it to less than 23 cents per km?? You think my car runs on water is it? Or that my car is totally service free? And that my tyres NEVER run bald??
I'm like away for almost 2 weeks at one time on sales calls .. even working on Sundays and public holidays .. and I have to pay for my own petrol to bring in revenue for you ???
Something is very very wrong here.
As it is my basic salary is lower than the average general worker .. and you dont pay me any meal allowances for my outstation visits .. and if I were to fall sick I don't get to claim any medical expenses .. now I have to top up for my own petrol and hotel stays??
Well, things being what they are .. and with the situation not likely to improve anytime soon I made the decision to leave that company. I didnt feel very good leaving .. not because of the boss or because of the peanuts they were paying me .. but because I had made friends there .. the office and sales people got along fabulously ( ever wonder why when you have a less than perfect boss, the staff seems to be great? ) ..
Now I'm with a new company .. and of course im still in the sales line .. and you know what? The boss seemed very nice during the interview.
I hope history doesnt repeat itself.
Any of you guys have the same experience ?